
Air Force Golf Course

JJHGolf 2012. 12. 12. 10:31

Wednesday December 12, Cloudy

It's beginning to colder.

I've got the sniffles.

So I didn't practice golf for 3 days.

Yesterday  I went to Air Forse because my condition was not bad.

I've met Mr. Hun there.

We went round a course. 

The Air Forse golf course is very good for trainning.

He told me I was no impact when I was young, but now 

I am real hitting.

Especailly the short was very good.

And I lost 2 balls, Mr. Hun lost so many.  There're all Titleist.

Long time I didn't go round a course, so I should feel in the course.

Anyway, I think my golf ability is more growing.

But this is just beginning. 

There is still much more mountains are waiting.

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