Lag N Casting Cartoon+Golf%28Impact%29 by jjhgolf
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Hello there! This is Cartoon Golf teacher Bob.
I think you'd better learn about good impact.
You know? Properly keeping wrist cock on the downswing is namely Lag, you should try to understanding this motion. Even if you try to more solve a late wrist cock, the Casting will be more occurred. If you can Lag motion comfortably, the golf swing can be more than 80% complete.
The Lag has several ways depending on people. It's very easy when you relax your wrist.
Use your left hip to start the downswing. And drop the club from the top of the backswing.
Lever the top of the backswing, keep your wrist cock to start the downswing.
On the top of the backswing, stick your the right elbow to start the downswing.
And remember, always follow through to the Pacific,
and also use your swing centrifugal force. That's makes a natural flowing swing.
Now go ahead it !
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