
Hello! Mr. Han(1)

JJHGolf 2011. 12. 4. 19:37

Mr. Han is back. .
And we would like to eat dinner with him. .
So, would you like to eat out with Mr. Han?

GoAnimate.com: Hello! Mr. Han(1) by jjhgolf

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A : Hello?

B : Oh! Hi, Doi Chang C! . This is Mr. Han.

A : Hello! Mr. Han.

B : Doi Chang C, I've recently returned from Korea yesterday!

A : I see!

B : How is your son?

A : He is fine. . He's getting taller and taller.

B : I see. . Doi Chang C, I'd like to have  dinner with you.

A : Okay! When shall we get together?

B : About six O'clock.

A : Okay! See you soon.

B : Thank you! bye!

C : Hi dad, What are you doing here?

A : Son, Mr. Han is back. . And we would like to eat dinner with him. .
So, would you like to eat out with Mr. Han?

C : Sure.

A : Hi, Mr. Han. We've been expecting you. . Son, say hello to Mr. Han.

C : Nice to meet you Mr. Han.

B : Hello there.

A : So, shall we go?

B : Hey you! 잘 지내나?

D : Oh! Hi there!

B : No! Don't come! 아이쿠! 그게 아닌데.

D : And you!

A : What?

D : You too! Give me punch!

C : Oh! Dear!

A : Mr. Han, why did you do that?

B : 나는 그냥 인사나 할려고 했는데.

A : So, what is your nationality?

D : Brazil!

B : 저거 뭐하는 거유?

A : I think he is feeling delectable.

C : Are you sure? . I think he is hang over.

A : Okay! Now, I'll show the way. . Would you come this way, please?

'카툰Diary' 카테고리의 다른 글

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