
New Jacket

JJHGolf 2011. 10. 19. 18:51
Tuesday October 18, Cold
It was awfully cold !
I was freezing in the morning.
And it was raining too long, but it was light rain.
I put on warm clothes in the morning.
Now I must buy a slight thin jacket.
I don't need a thick one because it's warm in the afternoon.
So I went to the clothes store in the afternoon with my father. 
The store had a sale.
They were having a sale on jacket.
I tried on something that I liked.
It was good disign and it appealed to me.
And we get a discount.  so we bought it. 
I checked it out in detail to see whether it had some flaws.
There's no problem and it was warm.
I think I made a good choice.

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