Merry Christmas^^
Just as
I was really scared. . Soccer Mania Joke(3) by jjhgolf
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B : What! . The earthquake! . I should lurk in the bathroom!
B : Oh! . Stop! Stop it! .
B : I think it's finished. . Wow! I've been very scared to death! .
Now, let's see what the news say.
A1 : Hello everyone, this is GNN Newscaster Susan. .
Today, there is an earthquake in Thailand, and the result of recorded an earthquake is 6.9 from Chiang Rai. .
There was a big earthquake for a minute. .
B : What the heck! . Hey! I really like to drink beer everyday!
A1 : Well, thanks to watching this news channel. If you need any question, please contacts us.
B : Oh! I don't like this stinky channel. . Let's change another channel.
A2 : The big match. . The greatest game. . The Europe Cup. .
Manchester United vs Liverpool at 8 pm.
B : That's looks so interesting! Park Jisung also will be there! I must watch that!
First, I'll buy some Beer Chang.
A2 : Now the game finished. Today's the campion is Liverpool team!
A2 : Now our relay is closing. Thank you for watching Sport TV Channel.
And Merry Christmas!
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