
Stack And Tilt Swing

JJHGolf 2011. 9. 12. 10:43
Monday September 12,  Cloudy
I was finding my golf swing style,
and I was compareing a basic swing with a stack and tilt swing.
Because I wanted to be more currectness.
The basic swing's an axis is from the right food to the left food, the ball fight is fade ball. 
On other hand, the stack and tilt's an axis is only left food, fight is drawl ball. 
Therefore the stack and tilt swing is more concise swing.
And by the way, the stack and tilt swing is easy to impact
and it's more healthy by medical condition.
I think the stack and tilt swing is more correcter than the basic swing to me. 
Because my set up is alike the stack and tilt's set up.
So the stack and tilt swing is correct to me.  I like this swing.
Now I decidid to change swing to the stack and tilt.

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