
The Cafedham Wine?

JJHGolf 2012. 3. 24. 13:53



The most best liquor of a superior brand is a long ripening. .

Now you may enjoy your drinks within a dark red color of Cafedham Wine


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A : Hi, Doi ChangC.

B : Hello, Susan. .
Would you like to drink today's special liquor?

A : Yes please.

B : Okay, today we'd like to drink Cafedham Wine.

A : Cafedham Wine? . What kind of wine is that?

B : It's a original coffee cherry wine, . I was testing this wine for a long time ago, .
Above all, it was very difficult to be the best liquor of a superior brand with organic arabica coffee cherrys. .

A : Wow! . Cool!

B : The most best liquor of a superior brand is a long ripening. .

Now you may enjoy your drinks within a dark red color of Cafedham Wine!

A : Wow! . How could you think about it?

B : Well? Maybe when I was drinking wine with coffee? .
Won't you have a taste of this wine?

A : Sure!

B : So, h
ow does it taste?

A : So much delectability! And it's alike grape wine.

B : But don't too much drink. . You should take care of your liver health.

A : Don't worry. . This wine is very softy than I drank.

B : Well, thank you for drinking my wine.

A : No, I glad to meet you.

B : No problem. . Susan, do you want to drink another wine? I'll give you more.

A : Thank you!


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