Ramyun with rice cake Monday, October 4, Clear My family went to the neighbor house, because he invited as. He is about 80 year old, and sincare, kind. He cooked ramyun with rice. but I don't like ramyun, and wheat food. so I ate anather food. To be continue~ 카툰Diary 2010.10.04
Visa clear Friday, October 1, Cloudy My Family apply for visa extension with Byung Hun's family by the car. so we went to the Mae Sai. Byung Hun's father drove like a tough style. andthan, I spewed. but he sad "I'm not!" so I sad "No! you are wrong! you just like mountains racer!!" anyway, we applied visa extension. 카툰Diary 2010.10.02
Golf Thursday, September 30, Cloudy Mu favorite sports is golf. I want win Thiger woods, the golf player. My dream is to be a US PGA champion. Playing golf is always fun and exciting. I practic golf everyday, and I do another exercise. For my fucher~ 카툰Diary 2010.09.30
Spicy pepper Wednesday, September 29, Cloudy Father amd me ate dinner with geen pepper. The geen pepper is not really spicy. but we have to smell it fist. because the smeller one is very spicy. Like this.... "are you okey?" "I'm okey." "are you okey?" "not really;;" "are you okey?" "WOW!!!! WHAT A SPICY PEPPER!!! So he drank lot of water. 카툰Diary 2010.09.30
Udong Tuesday, September 28, Cloudy My family went to night barzer. Because my father wanted to eat sausages. but it solded out. so we ware finding another food. We bought Udong in the market. As soon as we went home, we made Udong. It was really tasty. I would like to say "Nella fantasia..." It means fantastic ! 카툰Diary 2010.09.28
Rainy Season Monday, September 27, Rainning The rainy season is began. in Korea too. The weather was erratic. We couldn't predict the weather. It had been warm, but it sunddenly got cold. and it rained occasionally in morning. We call that 'the weather of the day when tiger brides get married.' 카툰Diary 2010.09.27
I had Chuseok Friday, September 24, Cloudy I had Chuseok. and I've seen the moon, so I prayed to my wishes fulfiled. I think I should wish is achieve my self, and making a happiness also achieve myself. This means I must make myself. Therefore I will be sucessful men. so let's do it ! 카툰Diary 2010.09.24
Chuseok Tomorrow is Chuseok, Korean thanksgiving day. Chuseok is on the 15th of August by the lunar calender. We will have Chuseok in late September this year. The typical food of Chuseok is songpyun. I hope I can see the full moon on Chuseok this year. while watching the moon, I'll pray to have my wishes fufilled 카툰Diary 2010.09.21
First blog Monday, September 20 2010, Cloudy I made first blog on saturday. Therefore I check blog every morning. It is fun. because I know little how to use blog, and I like to write. but I have to learn. so I will check blog everyday, and do not only play computer games. For my future. 카툰Diary 2010.09.20