왓프라께우(1) 여기 사람들도 중국 영향을 받아서 정월 대보름날에 달님께 기도하는구나... 오늘쪽에 있는 아이는 내보다 2살 더 많은데, 내 보고 원더걸스 멤버 중 '소희' 닮았다고 하네-_- 푸켓에 있을 때는 '김연아' 닮았다고 하고 *_+ ㅎㅎ (I don't think so;;;) 어쨌든, 지금부터 초불을 들고 사원 주변을 세 바퀴를 돌면서 기도해야 겠다.. 세계여행 2011.03.04
Going to be Summer Thursday March 3, Very hot The temperature suddenly rose. I think the summer is begining. but it still didn't rain. I hope it will be less hot than last summer. The last summer was really hot. I don't like summer, but it is better for outdoor activities. I think on may will more hotter than now. I wish it will rain hard. 카툰Diary 2011.03.04
Became warmer Wednesday March 2, Hot The weather became warmer. It was perfect for taking a walk. but now it is getting hotter and hotter. It was sticky. I wish it would rain to cool us down. This country weather is strange because It was very cold on monday, and the weather is very erratic. It had been cold in the moring, but it suddenly got hot in the afternoon. 카툰Diary 2011.03.03
Late fruit keeps well Tuesday March 1, Sunny Thomas Edison is the greatest inventor. He don't give up, only just try hard and enjoy. He is a late bloomer who became famous inventor after many years as an unknown. above all, enjoy to my work is improtant. The victory come only enjoy, try hard. so I have be more positive. And don't worry about misteaks. be brave. 카툰Diary 2011.03.02
The Bicycle had a flat tire Monday February 28, Clear The bicycle had a flat tire yesterday. so I went to the bicycle shop. This is secend time had a flat tire. I don't know why the bicycle had flat tire. Maybe the road is problem or the bicycle's pneumatic is problem. I changed the pneumatic again. I have to be more careful about the tire. 카툰Diary 2011.03.01