카툰Diary 469

Soccer Mania Joke(2)

The Soccer Mania Joke part 2. DoichangC's talking with the talking TV. Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun! The Soccer Mania Joke, Part 2. 축구 광 시리즈 2 B : Oh! My head! I should drink some water. 아이구! 머리야! 물이나 마시시자. B : What! 누구야! C : Hey! Doi ChangC! What up! 오! 도이창C! 잘 지내남! B : Not good! Mos. 아니! 모스. C : Hey! What's the metter? 너 왜 그러니? B : I think I have a headache. 머리가..

카툰Diary 2011.07.10