카툰Diary 469

DoichangC's Meeing Master(Eating Durian Master)

Eating Durian Master. Please don't eat Durian with beer. It's dangerous! Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun! A : Hello everyone. This is DoichangC's Meeting Master. . 안녕하세요 여러분. 달인을 만나다의 도이창C입니다. . I'd like to introduce, . The eating Durian master, . Mr. Do U like Durian. 오늘 소개할 분은, . 두리안 먹기의 달인, . 두유 라이크 두리안 선생님입니다. A : Hello Mr. Do U like Durian. 안녕하세요 두유 라이크 두리안 선생님...

카툰Diary 2011.06.07

Ordering Joke (That joke is corny)

Happened in the restaurant.. if you really angry, please breathe deeply and take a smile face because the spring will come to you. A : This way, please. Your waiter will be with you right away. 이리로 오십시오. 담당 웨이터가 곧 시중을 들 겁니다. B : Thank you. 고맙습니다. C : May I help you? 뭘 드릴까요? B : Pork chop steak with mushroom sauce please. 버섯 소스를 바른 돼지갈비 스테이크 주세요. C : Steak can be served rare, medium or well done...

카툰Diary 2011.05.29