카툰Diary 469

Drinking Coffee Man & Chiangrai

Chiangrai Coffee and My Life by DoichangC Cafedham : www.cafedham.com Doichangcoffee : www.doichangcoffee.net GoAnimate.com: Drinking+Coffee+Man+N+Chiangrai by jjhgolf Chiangrai Coffee & My Life Would you like a cup of coffee? 커피 한 잔 어떠세요? We've lived a busy life for a while, now we are having a spare time with a cup of coffee because of the coffee fever. 그동안 바쁜 삶에 쫓겨만 살아왔던 우리들의 생활속에도 어느새 커피 한 잔..

카툰Diary 2012.05.08